Who are the ED days for?

ED Days are for PhD students interested in sharing their data and getting to know each others work ! Every student of the doctoral school of Health and Life Science is invited to come, as well as bachelor’s and master’s degree students.


Who can apply to present their scientific work?

Every PhD student, regardless of the seniority, can present. Don’t be shy and try it out !


What kind of presentation can I apply for?

There will be three types of presentations:

  • Long talks (10 minutes)
  • Blitz talks (3 minutes)
  • Poster session


Am I guaranteed to be selected for the type of presentation I applied for?

Due to the time limitation, there will be a selection on blitz and long talks. However, every poster submission will be accepted.


Is it mandatory to apply for a presentation?

No, if you want to have a nice time without presenting your work, you are free to register and come. It will also be a nice opportunity to think about your future during the socio-professional day.


When and how can I submit my abstract?

To submit your abstract, you can go to the « abstract submission » tab of this site !


Who needs to register on the website?

Every attending person needs to register. Even if you just come to enjoy the seminar!


When and how can I register?

Same as for the abstract submission (even if you don’t present !). You can go to the tab « Absctract submission » of this website.


What are the fees to participate in ED days?

You don’t have anything to pay. No excuses to run away from this event.


Can I validate some hours of doctoral training by taking part in ED days?

Of course, this event is part of your training. It will be validated as disciplinary hours.


If your questions have not been answered here, feel free to contact us.

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